mandag 21. juni 2010

Striped birds and a purple canine

Oh gee. I think I've made around 40 differently colored birds now. I got zillions of different ways to put them together. This is one of them, where I've tried to arrange them a bit after how dark they are. Wouldn't this be pretty on a t-shirt?


søndag 20. juni 2010


fireflies on repeat

another simple design I'm experimenting with.

lørdag 19. juni 2010

dear one

This is Khanran.
He's very dear to me.

fredag 18. juni 2010

sneak peak

a bit of a sneak peak on something I'm currently fiddling with. (T-shirt, perhaps?)

torsdag 17. juni 2010


somewhere, someone is holding their breath. afraid to let everything go. losing it. lost in space. which means the adventurous dreams would end.

so let's imagine it never did.

some quick sketches

i ain't no make-up disaster

onsdag 9. juni 2010

the invisible

Want to hide? Far far away at your secret spot? I know we all want to feel invisible from time to time. And then there are times when we don't. But it's not always a good idea to go prancing right in front of the wolves, when you know they can easily devour you.

// A5.
watercolor, ink and a white pen. download to use as wallpaper!

there's always some sort beauty taking place in a person, place, plant or animal - even if you can't see it.

mandag 7. juni 2010

intrepid journey

click for larger version!
a silly doodle turned into a journey facing its end.